Other workshops

In addition to the Core Vocabulary workshops, we provide the following specialist workshops and sessions:

Makaton Signing for Babies and Families (MSBF)
For parents, family members or carers who would like to sign with babies and children in their care and have no previous experience of Makaton. These sessions are designed for you and your child to have fun and learn together.

Using Makaton with Singing
A fun and easy way to learn to use signs with singing for young children. Signing and singing have been shown to encourage the development of communication and language skills and are beneficial for vocalisation, confidence, social skills, emotional development, well-being and self-esteem.

Safeguarding Workshop
Designed to support professionals and carers of children and adults with severe communication and learning disabilities. The workshop builds on existing knowledge of signs and symbols and provides instruction for extra signs and symbols specific to this area of need and access to further resources.

Watch My Needs
Designed for adults who are beginning to experience difficulties with understanding and recall, after having good understanding, recall and use of language. It is for direct use with adults with memory difficulties, who should attend the workshop sessions with a supporter.

Know and Grow
An innovative and comprehensive workshop designed to bridge the gap between Makaton and the Christian faith. By participating in this workshop, you will learn everyday Makaton vocabulary, as well as specific terms associated with Christianity. This will enable you to facilitate and promote inclusive signing within church settings, ensuring that everyone can participate fully in worship and community life.

Makaton Taster
If you are not sure whether Makaton training is for you, try a Makaton Taster session. These short sessions are designed for people who are interested in finding out about Makaton and deciding whether or not to attend Makaton training.